Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence

Multimedia and Intelligent chair is one of the chair in the faculty which provides theoretical and practical applicable for the faculty students’ and after they have learned the course they will have the ability to develop their own systems to solve several community problems. Under this chair courses which would enable students to design graphics, to aware and work with the recent multimedia technology, Geographical information system, expert system algorithms and technologies and computer simulation and modeling.

Course delivery

The multimedia and intelligent chair has contributed its own responsibility by providing several courses for computing faculty students as well as any faculty which is interested to be served.

Undergraduate courses

The undergraduate program has the following courses: Multimedia systems, Computer graphics, digital image processing, neural networks, decision support system, machine learning, Expert systems, processing

Postgraduate courses  

The postgraduate program has the following courses: machine learning, Natural Language, Advanced concept of data mining

Click below for detail

Current Chair Holder


