PhD graduate from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering program at Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT)
Poly BiT
12 Jun, 2024
The PhD Dissertation Public Defense was held at BiT-BDU
[July 12, 2024 Bahir Dar, FECE]
Mr. Ahunim Abebe successfully defended his PhD dissertation in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, entitled “A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY-BASED OFF-GRID RURAL ELECTRIFICATION SOLUTIONS IN ETHIOPIA” under the Student dissertation advisory committee (SADC) including Dr. –Ing. Fekadu Shewarega from University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany, Dr. –Ing. Belachew Bantyirga, Asso. Proffesor, BiT, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Dr. –Ing. Getachew Biru, Asso. Proffesor, AAiT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Prof. Samuel Lakeou, University of the District of Columbia, USA.
Ahunim’s research primarily focuses on developing a general framework for the optimal design of renewable energy-based power supply systems for rural electrification. His work includes developing optimal tilt angle models for solar modules, energy demand modelling and developing load profiles, and designing optimal off-grid renewable energy systems. Through this research, Ahunim also aimed to standardize and enhance the efficiency and sustainability of renewable energy solutions, thereby facilitating reliable and cost-effective power access for rural communities.
External examiners, consisting of Dr. Mengesha Mamo, Associate Professor at Addis Ababa University (AAU), Dr. Tefera Terefe, Associate Professor at Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) posed numerous questions and comments during the defense which were followed by thorough responses of Mr Ahunim. After a thorough examination of the dissertation and hearing his explanations for the questions, the committee awarded him an "excellent" grade.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering wishes to congratulate Mr. Ahunim Abebe on his outstanding academic achievement.