- Samuel Lakeou, TassewTadiwoseZewdie, Tewodros Gera,:Development of Solar power Water pump systems at Gonji Kolela-28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition,
Abraham Hizkiel Nebey,1 BiniyamZemene Taye,1 and Tewodros Gera Workineh1:Site suitability analysis of Solar PV Power generation in South Gonder, Amhara Region, Journal of Energy,2020
Yetayew, Tefera T , Gera, Tewodros a comprehensive review and evaluation of classical mppt techniques for a photovoltaic system- icast2020-Accepted, https://icast-conf.eai-conferences.org/2020/accepted-papers/
Mandefro, Elias , Bantyirga, Belachew , Yisaye, Nebiyu , Gera, Tewodros :Loss Reduction of Radial Feeders Using Optimal Allocation of PV –Generation- ICAST2020-Accepted, https://icast-conf.eai-conferences.org/2020/accepted-papers/
Gera, Tewodros ; Egziabher, Assefa G ; Yetayew, Tefera T: Modeling and Analysis of Three-phase Inverter for Induction Motor Drive for three-wheel Electric Vehicle Application, ICAST2020-Accepted,https://icast-conf.eai-conferences.org/2020/accepted-papers/
Abraham Hizkiel Nebey,1BiniyamZemene Taye,1 and Tewodros Gera Workineh1 :GIS-Based Irrigation Dams Potential Assessment of Floating Solar PV System. Journal of Energy,2020
Concepts of Floating PV power Plant-Water-Energy nexus, July 2020, Seminar at Bahirdar University
IOT based remote health monitoring system for covid19 patients-Community service project
Elias Mandefro Getie, Belachew Bantyirga Gessesse, and Tewodros Gera Workneh: Photovoltaic Generation Integration with Radial Feeders Using GA and GIS
Biniyam Zemene Taye, Tewodros Gera Workineh, Abraham Hizikiel Nebey and Habtemariam Aberie KefaleRural electrification planning using geographicinformation system (GIS)
Research Interest:
Microgrid, Smart microgrid and automation, Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Power System planning