Academic Background and Education:
BSc in Electrical Engineering Bahir Dar University 2002-2006 MSc in Electrical Engineering Addis Ababa University 2009-2011 PhD in Electrical Engineering Technical University of Darmstadt and Addis Ababa University Sep, 2016- March, 2021
Trainings/ Conference/ Workshops:
1. ISO 13485:2016 Introduction Training, BSI Training Academy, online course on 15-16 March, 2021.
2. Weather Radar hardware maintenance and troubleshooting training, Visalia, Helsinki, Finland, 20Sep 20- 10 Oct, 2013.
3. Professional PCB prototyping and production, Bungard, Germany, 23-30 May, 2015.
4. Transformational Leadership, Ethiopian Management Institute, Bisheftu-Ethiopia, 15-25 July, 2015.
5. Feedback antenna and radio wave propagation system laboratory, Feedback, Bahir Dar, 30-31 Jan, 2012.
6. 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2018), Rome, Italy, 3-7 Sep, 2018.
7. 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2019), A Coruna, Spain, 2-6 Sep, 2018.
8. IEEE Wireless Africa Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24-25 Sep, 2018.
9. 8th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology(EAI ICAST 2020), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2-4 Oct, 2020.
10. 7th EAI International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology(EAI ICAST 2019), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2-4 Aug, 2019.
Administration Experience:
1. Director of Business Incubation and Techno Entrepreneurship Center (BiTec) Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 01 Oct, 2021- Present Supervise and lead the business, incubation, techno entrepreneurship, Makerspace and innovation activities at the center Various innovate projects and startups are produced at the center.
2. Deputy director of faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 2 Years Supervise and lead all the business processes in the faculty Strength the education, research and community service.
3. Director of information and strategic communication Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 2 Years Supervise and lead all the business processes in the office Enhance external collaboration and partnership, internal cooperation and visibility.
4. STEM and outreach coordinator for ICT and electronics streams Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 3 Years Coordinate and supervise ICT and electronics courses for the STEM education center. Besides, supervise and assist student on their project and research work Assist the STEM center to work on mind hunting and creativity enhancement.
5. Academic Program Manager Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 1.5Years Coordinate and supervise the teaching learning activities in Electrical and Computer Engineering Support on teachinglearning quality improvement.
6. Chair of Communication Systems Engineering Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 3 Years Formulate and coordinate research and community service activities, follow up and supervise the curriculum, course delivery and assessment methods, organize the student and teacher projects in the area Achieve to supervise and lead successful project and research works, improve the quality of teachinglearning under the chair, establish Kaizen to the laboratories. 7. Assistant Professor at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 2021- present Deliver Lecture, advise students, conduct research, project and community service activities Perform realizable research and projects works which are funded by the Institute and the Government.
8. Lecturer at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bahir Dar Institute of Technology 2011- 2016 Deliver Lecture, advise students, conduct research, project and community service activities Perform realizable research and projects works which are funded by the Institute and the Government
Grants and Project Participation:
1. Global Challenge Research Fund, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (GCRF, EPSRC), Digital diagnostics for smarter healthcare in Africa Grant Ref: EP/T029064/1, May 2020-April 2021.
2. Global Challenge Research Fund, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (GCRF, EPSRC), Affordable Perovskite Solar Irrigation Systems for Small-holder Farmers in Ethiopia (APSISSFE) Grant Ref: EP/T02030X/1, May 2020-April 2022.
3. Amhara Regional State Government-Ethiopia, Design and Development of Driving License and Vehicle Information management Systems for Amhara Region, Sep2020-Till Date.
4. Ministry of Science and Technology-Ethiopia, Design and Development of Mobile Based Knowledge Management System to Foster Development in Rural Ethiopia, March 2015- Sep 2017.
5. Bahir Dar City Administration, Design and Development of Land Information Management Systems, Oct 2021- Oct-2022.
6. Amhara Regional State Government-Ethiopia, Design and Implementation of Mobile-based Vehicle Tracking and Transport Management System for Amhara Region Road and Transport Office, Oct 2017- June 2018.
7. Amhara Regional State Government-Ethiopia, Design and Development of CCTV Camera System for Driving License Examination Center for Amhara Regional State Government, March,2016-June, 2021.
8. Ministry of Water and National Metrology Agency- Ethiopia, Design and Implementation of Dual Polarized Weather Radar for Tana-Beles Sub basin Regions, June, 2013- Oct, 2014.
9. Amhara Regional State Government-Ethiopia, Design and Implementation of Integrated Market Information system, Nov, 2015- Nov, 2016.
10. US Air Force Agency, Design and Installation of Phased Array Radar for Ionospheric Monitoring and Analysis, June-Oct, 2015.
Research and Publication:
1. Amare Kassaw, Yihenew Wondie, Aysheshim Demilie, “Data driven based fuzzy logic inference algorithm for quality of experience modeling for video streaming in LTE network: Case of Addis Ababa City LTE network,” Cogent Engineering, Taylor and Francis Online, Volume 9, 06 March, 2022, doi: 10.1080/23311916.2022.2054125
2. Amare Kassaw, Yihenew Wondie, Aysheshim Demilie, “Fuzzy logic inference system for quality of experience modeling for LTE video streaming: case of Addis Ababa LTE network,: 3 rd International Conference on International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development for Africa (ICT4DA), Bahir Dar-Ethiopia, August, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICT4DA53266.2021.9671266
3. Hiwot Birhanu and Amare Kassaw, “Cardiovascular signal processing: state of the art and 4 algorithms,” Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC2021), San Francisco, 29-30 April 2021.
4. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, Michael Fauß, A. M. Zoubir, “Energy Efficient Power Control in Uplink Massive MIMO Systems: A Fractional Programming Approach,” Elsevier Physical Communication Systems, 2021.
5. Hiwot Birhanu and Amare Kassaw, “Comparative analysis of Kalman filtering and machine learning based cardiovascular signal processing algorithms,” 8th International Conference on the Advancements of science and technology (ICAST2020), Bahir Dar-Ethiopia, 2-4 Oct, 2020.
6. Amare Kassaw, Fikiraddis Tazeb, Dereje Hailemariam, “Performance analysis of multicarrier modulation techniques for next generation networks,” 8th International Conference on the Advancements of science and technology (ICAST2020), Bahir Dar-Ethiopia, 2-4 Oct, 2020.
7. G.M. Meheretu, G.A. Wubetu, B. Roose, A. Kassew, H. Shimels, S. A. Tilahun, E. M. Tennyson, and S. D. Stranks, “Performance and stability of halide perovskite solar cells in Bahir Dar climatic conditions,” 9th International Conference on the Advancements of science and technology (ICAST2021), accepted.
8. Fikreselam gared, Yoseph Birhanu and Amara Kassaw, “Peformance analysis of hybrid beamforming techniques in large multi user MIMO systems,” 9th International Conference on the Advancements of science and technology (ICAST20210), accepted.
9. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, Michael Fauß, A. M. Zoubir, “Fractional programming for energy efficient power control in uplink massive MIMO systems,” 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2019),A Coruna-Spain, Sep,2019.
10. Tewelgn Kebede, Amare Kassaw, Yihenew Wondie, Johannes Stenibrunn, “Joint evaluation of spectral efficiency, energy efficiency and transmission reliability in massive MIMO systems,” 7th International Conference on the Advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST-2019), 01-03 Aug,2019 Bahir Dar-Ethiopia.
11. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, A. M. Zoubir, “Review of energy efficient resource allocation techniques in massive MIMO systems,” 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC 2018), Korea, 2018.
12. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, A. M. Zoubir, “Performance analysis of uplink massive MIMO system over Rician fading channel,” 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, 2018.
13. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, A. M. Zoubir, “Review of truncated Neumann series based detection in massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Wireless Africa Conference, Addis Ababa, 2018.
14. Amare Kassaw, Zemene Matewos, Dereje Hailemariam, “Digital dividend and its opportunities for long term evolution mobile network: the case of Ethiopia,” IEEE AFRICON 2017, Cape Town, 2017.
15. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, A. M. Zoubir, “Performance analysis of multiple antenna based blind spectrum sensing techniques for cognitive radio networks,” 5th International Conference on the Advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST-2017), Bahir Dar, 2017.
16. Amare Kassaw, Dereje Hailemariam, A. Zoubir, “Performance analysis in massive MIMO systems,” Poster presentation at 6th International Conference on the Advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST-2018), Bahir Dar, 2018.
17. Bekele Mulu, Dereje Hailemariam, Amare Kassaw, “Dimensioning and Planning of LTE Radio Network for Future Deployment in Bahir Dar City,” 2nd International Conference on the Advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST-2014), Bahir Dar, 2014.
Teaching at Bahir Dar University:
1. Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Fundamental of Image Processing, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Digital Communication Systems, Detection and Estimation Theory, and Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation.
Extra Curricular Activities:
1. Member of BiT PhD package development committee.
2. Member of BiT-Trading working document preparation committee.
3. Member and Co- chair of the 2021-2025 Strategic plan development committee.
4. Procurement committee member of the Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, 2014-2016
5. Chair of the Curriculum preparation committee for MSc in Biomedical Engineering, MSc in Communication Systems Engineering
1. Prof. Dr.-Ing Abdelhak M. Zoubr Signal Processing Group, Technical University of Darmstadt Merckstr. 25, 64283 Darmstadt- Germany Email: zoubir@spg.tu-darmstadt.de
2. Dr.-Ing. Dereje Hailemariam. Addis Ababa Institute of Technology Addis Ababa University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering P.O.Box 385, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tele:+251-920-662176 Email: derejehmr@gmail.com.
3. Dr. Seifu Admasu Scientific Director Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Bahir Dar University Tele:+251 930111744 Email: nigushabtu@gmail.com.
4. Mr. Tewodros Gera(Assi. Professor) Former Dean of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering