Available Resources

TinyML Learning Kit

Arduino Tiny Machine Learning Kit | Arduino ML Kit with OV7675 Camera  Module | Arduino Machine Learning Kit : Amazon.in: Industrial & Scientific 

Newly Arrived TinyML Learning Kit (GPS sensor, sound sensor, microphone, camera, Bluetooth etc...)

Take a Free Online Course to Learn More about TinyML https://tinyml.seas.harvard.edu/courses/

You can borrow our resources 


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Dell Precision T5820 Workstation Desktop (2018) | Core Xeon W - 8TB HDD + 512GB SSD - 128GB RAM - RTX 8000 | 18 Cores @ 4.6 GHz - 48GB GDDR6 Win 10 Pro

1Complete Arduino Kit99
2Mbed Microcontroller4848
34D Systems1616
4Proto Shield Plus33
5Mini Breadboard44
6Multipurpose Shield (Keystudio)22
7Bluetooth Shield (Keystudio)21
8GPS Shield (Keystudio)21
9Ethernet Shield (Keystudio)21
10Wifi Shield (Keystudio)21
11GSM Module (Keystudio) And Simple GSM21
12Raspberry PI 21Not Available
13Arduino Uno22
14Complete Biomaker Challenge Package88
15Zigbee Module11
16Combined Electrode11
18TDS Meter22
19Turbidity Sensor33
20Dissolved oxygen sensor11