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Gera, TewodrosYetayew, Tefera T, Efficiency Analysis of a Solar Photovoltaic DC and Existing AC Distribution System for Bahirdar University Data Center ICAST Conference ,vol. ,9 2021
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G. T. Ayele, M. T. Mabrouk, P. Haurant, B. Laumert, B. Lacarrière, and M. Santarelli, ‘Electrified district heating networks: a thermo-economic optimisation based on exergy and energy analyses’, Int. J. Exergy, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 100–131, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1504/IJEX.2021.115088.
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Biniyam Zemene Taye, Abraham Hizkiel Nebey & Tewodros Gera Workineh Design of floating solar PV system for typical household on Debre Mariam Island Cogent Engineering, 2020
Gera, Tewodros; Egziabher, Assefa G Yetayew, Tefera T Modeling and Analysis of Three-phase Inverter for Induction Motor Drive for three-wheel Electric Vehicle Application ICAST Conference ,vol. 8 ,2020
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Muluneh, Solomon, and Fikreselam Gared. "Performance comparison of inverted L and F-shape dual-band microstrip antenna." Journal of EEA, 38.1 (2020): 65-74.
Fikreselam Gared and Girma Gebeyehu. "Impulsive Noise Mitigation Using Hybrid Nonlinear Preprocessor and Turbo Code in OFDMPLC system. "In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, Springer, 2020.
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Gashaw Mihretu, Pushparaghavan Annamalai and N. Malmurugan, “Planning, Designing and Performance Evaluation of Micro Wave Link Case Study from Wegeda to Nefas Mewucha” 7th International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology -ICAST2019”
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A.R. Palanisamy, G.M. Tamilselvan and A. Pushparaghavan “Design of High Speed 10Gb/s Wired /FSO Systems for Local Area Communication Networks for Maximum Reach” Journal of photonic Network Communications,Volume No.38, Issue 2, pp 206-218, October 2019.
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Fikreselam Gared, Mohammed Abdo, Performance Comparison of the Standard Transmitter Energy Detector and an Enhanced Energy Detector Techniques International Journal of Networks and Communications, 6(3): 39-48 DOI: 10.5923/j.ijnc.20160603.01, 2016,
A.Pushparaghavan, Sultan Feisso, Temesgen Bailie, Aneteneh Assefa, G.M. Tamil Selvan, and A.R. Palanisamy “A Novel DBA Scheme on 60 km Downstream Link Power Performance Analysis Using EDFA for the Migration of 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps GPON Architecture” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), pg.336-343,Volume 10, No.92, 2015.
A.Pushparaghavan, Sultan Feisso, Temesgen Bailie, G.M. Tamil Selvan and A. R. Palanisamy “Poisson Process Queuing Model based Non-Burst and Burst Mode Performance Analysis for 10 Gbps GPON Architecture” Seventh International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC-2015), IEEE Madras Section, December 15-17, 2015.
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