This program is aimed to alleviate the challenges on shortage of technical manpower for design, development, the operation, maintenance, and management of biomedical devices and systems that help to improve the quality of healthcare sectors in the country. Based on this general principle, the faculty has designed a graduate program of study in Biomedical engineering to meet the following objectives.
- Train biomedical engineers who carry out research in the areas of biomedical engineering and relevant to the needs of the country.
- Train biomedical engineers who can design, develop, operate, install and manage biomedical devices and systems.
- Prepare graduates with the capability to follow the current and future developments in the field and related applications.
- Enable graduates to participate in the current research and encourage continuous learning and improvement in Biomedical engineering so that the graduates feel confident enough to face the challenges of the rapidly changing global scenario.
- To upkeep the highest values of professionalism and ethical attitude and nurture the ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
- BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering from recognized institutions after successful completion of one-year bridge courses. Bridge courses are administered with undergraduate programs and details shall be decided by FGC.
- BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from a recognized institution.
- Pass an entrance examination administered by the Faculty
1. Rational of the Program
Ethiopia is expanding and improving healthcare services at different levels. Hence, supporting these sectors through advanced equipments becomes a paramount importance to improve the quality. Besides, many modern types of medical equipments that required trained technical manpower are increasingly deployed in various health sectors. The capabilities to manage or maintain these modern medical equipments, however, remain rather low and this is particularly serious in the peripheries though higher learning institutions and research centers are not exceptions. The growth in capabilities to manage or maintain medical equipments has lagged far behind the rate of deployment of equipment and the situation risks running out of control. Capital investment is being wasted while quality of care suffers. Thus, more initiatives are required to develop long-term solution to these problems. Another area that requires trained manpower is local production of biomedical engineering systems ranging from simple blood pressure indicators to complex computer based patient monitoring systems. This is very important in view of import substitution effort for sustainability and affordability. Participation on research era of the field in developing and advancing the equipments used in biological and medical sectors will also contribute to increase the countries capital. Higher education institutions aspire to be part of long-term solution of the country’s medical equipment management problem through training of biomedical engineers that can manage complex medical equipment at central and regional level. In addition to management of biomedical equipment, graduates are expected to be involved in the development, advancement and production of devices and application. In line with these facts, Bahir Dar Institute Technology in collaboration with College of Medicine and Health Science is planned to open the graduate program in Biomedical Engineering.
2. Objectives of the Program
This program is aimed to alleviate the challenges on shortage of technical manpower for design, development, operation, maintenance and management of biomedical devices and systems that help to improve the quality of healthcare sectors in the country. Based on this general principle, the faculty has designed a graduate program of study in Biomedical engineering to meet the following objectives.
- Train biomedical engineers who carry out research in the areas of biomedical engineering and relevant to the needs of the country.
- Train biomedical engineers who can design, develop, operate, install and manage biomedical devices and systems.
- Prepare graduates with capability to follow the current and future developments in the field and related applications.
- Enable graduates to participate in the current research and encourage continuous learning and improvement in Biomedical engineering so that the graduates feel confident enough to face the challenges of the rapidly changing global scenario.
- To upkeep the highest values ofprofessionalism and ethical attitude and nurture the ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
3. Graduate Profile of the Program
Upon completionof the study, graduatesare expected to acquire the following knowledge andskills:
- Understand scientific basis and principles of biomedical engineering.
- Undertake research to design, develop and adopt appropriate biomedical systems.
- Consult and develop standards and guidelines that improves effective and efficient utilization of biomedical equipments and systems
- Train and mentor healthcare staff for operating technicalities, functionalities and management of biomedical equipment to maximize utility of all the functionalities.
- Able to lead and manage the planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of procurement, installation, utilization and maintenance of biomedical equipments in the healthcare facilities.
- Develop applicable safety standards and operating procedures that guide proper and safe utilization of biomedical equipments.
- Acquire interpersonal skills that help to work as a team with healthcare staff and interaction with clients and other stakeholders.
- Develop skill and confidence to be the future entrepreneurs in the area of Biomedical Engineering.
- Able on evaluation and accreditation of new developed items based on international standards that are applicable on health sectors.
4. Major Research Areas
- Biomedical imaging, analysis and interpretation
- Biomedical devices, sensors, instrumentation and diagnosis
- Biosensing and wearable Biomedical technology
- Statistical signal processing for biomedical information extraction
- Artificial intelligence for biomedical applications
- Biological system modeling and simulations
- Computational modeling and analysis of biomedical systems
5. Program Profiles
5.1 Mode of Delivery
The program will run inregular full-time and extension/weekend.
5.2 Admission Requirements
The applicant must have:
- BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering from recognized institution after successful completion of one year bridge courses. Bridge courses are administered with undergraduate programs and details shall be decided by Faculty graduate committee (FGC).
- BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from recognized institution.
- Pass an entrance examination administered by the faculty
The admission and screening criteria shall follow the Bahir Dar Institute of Technology master’s guideline.
5.3 Duration of the Study
The maximum duration of the program is two academic years of full-time study for graduates of biomedical engineering program. Candidates from other disciplines need to take the bridge courses which add a maximum of one more year. Under exceptional conditions, the Graduate committee may extend the duration by one year.
5.4 Teaching Learning Methods
The basic teaching method is lecture supported by tutorial, design projects, practical laboratory exercises and simulation. Audio-visual aids are also used to support lectures. Students are assigned to work on design projects to enable them enhance innovative and independent working ability. The practical attachment and educational visits to relevant institutions is also an integral part of the teaching-learning process.
5.5 Assessment and Evaluation
Course assessment depends on the type of the course: lecture type, practical type, or independent project. Assessment for lecture courses is based on paper review, one mini-research paper/project work and presentation, and final examination. Group and/or individual reports of practical activities are evaluated and count towards the final grade. Evaluation for independent projects such as thesis is based oral examination and report submitted.
5.6 Grading System
The final grading policy of the students is carried out as per the legislation of the Bahir Dar University, Institute of Technology.
5.7 Graduate Requirements
Candidates from other engineering program must complete and pass 29 credit hours of bridge courses. Then, successful completion of 34 Cr. Hr course works,
1 Cr. Hr practical attachment in a recognized healthcare institution, and successfully defend and pass MSc thesis as per the university regulation are the requirements for graduation.
5.8 Degree Nomenclature (in English and Amharic)
A degree will be awarded for a student after completing the coursework and dissertation
components. The name of the degree will be
In English
The Degree of Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (Biomedical Instrumentation and Imaging)
In Amharic
የሳይንስ ማስተርስ ዲግሪ በባዬሜዲካል ምህንድስና (ባዬሜዲካል ኢንስትሩሜንቴሽን እና ኢሜጅንግ)
6. Modules and Course Listing
6.1 Module Profile of the Program
Name of the Module | Code of the Module | Objectives of the Module | Courses of the Module |
Basic Biomedical Sciences |
1 | Introduction to quantitative modeling of anatomical and physiological systems including biochemistry characteristics geared towards the Biomedical Engineering student. |
Signal Processing and Imaging |
2 | Aim to provide the fundamental knowledge on mathematics, signal processing and imaging. |
Biomedical Rehabilitation |
3 | The scienceof assisting human body using different label medical devices. And also the technology which is applied to human beings to make them live like others. |
Overview and |
Biomedical Engineering | 4 | applications of engineering in medicine and healthcare. |
Sensor and Instrumentation |
5 | Aim to provide the basic knowledge on instrumentation systems, electromagnetic waves and bioinstrumentation systems |
Medical Data and Information Processing |
6 | Provides fundamental knowledge on database management, health informatics and artificial intelligence for biomedical processing. |
Healthcare Systems |
Research and Projects |
7 | Provides fundamental research and article writing skills for the graduates. |
7. Course Breakdown
7.1 Semester Course Breakdown for Regular Students
1. Year I: Semester I | ||||||
S. No | Course Code |
Course Name |
C. Hr. |
Lec |
Tut |
Lab/Pra |
1 | BME6211 | Mathematical Methods for Biomedical Engineering | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
2 | BME6231 | Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
3 | BME6521 | Biomedical Instrumentation Systems | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
4 | BME6441 | Bio-Sensors and Systems | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
5 | BME6321 | Medical Product Development | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Semester Total | 14 | 12 | 0 | 6 |
2. Year I: Semester II | ||||||
S. No | Course Code |
Course Name |
C. Hr. |
Lec |
Tut |
Lab/Pra |
1 | BME6312 | Physiological Modeling and Simulation | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2 | BME6462 | Biomedical Imaging Devicesand Systems | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
3 | BME6242 | Advanced Neural Networks | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
4 | BME6352 | Bio-MEMS and Nanotechnology | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
5 | BME6xx2 | Elective | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Semester Total | 12 | 10 | 0 | 6 |
3. Year II: Semester I | ||||||
S. No | Course Code |
Course Name |
C. Hr. |
Lec |
Tut |
Lab/Pra |
1 | BME7621 | Statistical Signal Processing and Machine Learning | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
2 | BME7721 | Practical Attachment | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
3 | BME7331 | Prosthetic Devices and Artificial Organs | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
4 | BME7711 | Advanced Research Methods for Engineering and Seminar | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
5 | BME7732 | MSc Thesis | 6* | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Semester Total | 9 | 6 | 0 | 7 |
*Msc Thesis credit in the first semester shall not be counted.
4. Year II: Semester II | ||||||
S. No | Course Code |
Course Name |
C. Hr. |
Lec |
Tut |
Lab/Pra |
5 | BME7732 | MSc Thesis | 6 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Semester Total | 6 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
- BME 6432: Clinical Engineering
- BME 6452: Tissue Engineering
- BME 6632: Telemedicine Systems and Networks
- BME 6342: Bio-Inspired Robotic Systems
- BME6642: Application of Virtual Reality in Healthcare Systems
- BME6612: Database Management and Health Informatics
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