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Academic Rank
Associate Professor
Fikreselam Gared Mengistu (PhD)
New Building
1. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan Ph.D. in Communication Engineering,Electrical Engineering, : July 2014
- Dissertation Topic: Robust Decoding Schemes for Coded Transmission Through a Markov Gaussian Channel
- Advisors: Prof. Yunghsiang S. Han and Prof. Der-Feng Tseng
2. Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Communication Engineering, January 2011
• Thesis Topic: Performance Evaluation on Transmitter Detection Techniques for Cognitive Radio
• Advisors: Prof. Mohammed Abdo
• Thesis Topic: Performance Evaluation on Transmitter Detection Techniques for Cognitive Radio
• Advisors: Prof. Mohammed Abdo
3. Bahir Dar University Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia Electrical Engineering, July 2006 Electrical Engineering, July 2006
Work Experience
1. Visiting Professor at University of Chandigarh,Chandigarh, India
• Research collaboration and Course offered for MSc Students 2017 onwards
1. Visiting Professor at University of Chandigarh,Chandigarh, India
• Research collaboration and Course offered for MSc Students 2017 onwards
- Offering courses for graduate students
- Supervising graduate students
2. Bahir Dar University, Baihr Dar, Ethiopia
• Associate professor and researcher November 2019 - To date
• Associate professor and researcher November 2019 - To date
- Teaching Courses like: Advanced communication systems, Stochastic Process, wireless communication systems,communication systems,Digital Signal Processing, Information theory and coding, advanced antenna systems, advanced research methodology.
- Advised postgraduate students on areas like:- 5G comunication systems, Propagation model, LTE systems, Antenna design,channel coding, Cognitive radio and others
- Reviewing Journal and conference articles.
- Conducting researches with MSc Students
- Curriculum committee in organizing curriculum of PhD in communication engineering.
• Assistant professor and researcher Sep. 2014 - Nov. 2019
- Teaching Courses like: Advanced communication systems, StochasticProcess, wireless communication systems,communication systems,Digital Signal Processing, Information theory and coding, advanced antenna systems, advanced research methodology.
- Advised undrgraduate and postgraduate students on wireless communication systems
- Reviewing Journal and conference articles.
- Conducting researches with MSc Students
• Lecturer January 2011 September 2011
- Courses taught: Introduction to communication systems, digitalcommunication systems, signals and systems, digital signal processing,digital logic design, power system I and II, and others.
- Advised/supervised 6 undergraduate projects on cellular communication, Efficient spectrum utilization and radio propagations.
• Assistant Lecturer July 2007 - July 2008
Courses taught: signals and systems and digital logic design.
• Graduate assistant II July 2006 - July 2007
Courses taught: signals and systems and digital logic design.
• Graduate assistant II July 2006 - July 2007
Courses taught: signals and systems, assisted the lecturer in delivering courses and delivered laboratory classes for communication systems.
3. Bole Printing Enterprise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Senior Electrician January 2001 - November 2002
4. Ethiopia Telecommunication Corporation, Ethiopia
• Transmission Technician March 1999 - January2001
• Senior Electrician January 2001 - November 2002
4. Ethiopia Telecommunication Corporation, Ethiopia
• Transmission Technician March 1999 - January2001
Leadership experiences
Bahir Dar University, Baihr Dar, Ethiopia
• Vice president for information and strategic communication of Bahir Dar University (Jan 2015 Sep 2017)
• Board memeber of Ethiopia red cross society for Amhara Region
• Vice President of Taiwan alumina of Ethiopian Graduates
• Research and Publication committee Member of Bahir Dar Institute of technology (December 2015- to date)
• Chair holder of communication system engineering (Sep 2014 January 2015)
• Academic commission member of faculty of Electrical and computer Engineering (Sep 2007 July 2008)
• President of Bahir Dar University students union (Sep 2004 July 2005)
• Board memeber of Ethiopia red cross society for Amhara Region
• Vice President of Taiwan alumina of Ethiopian Graduates
• Research and Publication committee Member of Bahir Dar Institute of technology (December 2015- to date)
• Chair holder of communication system engineering (Sep 2014 January 2015)
• Academic commission member of faculty of Electrical and computer Engineering (Sep 2007 July 2008)
• President of Bahir Dar University students union (Sep 2004 July 2005)
Committee Work Bahir Dar University, Baihr Dar, Ethiopia
• Advisory committee of BiT Strategic Plan
• Bahir Dar Institute of Technology(BiT) Promotion Committee
• Faculty Promotion committee Chair person
• BiT Graduate council committee
• BIT research and Publication committee member
• Faculty graduate committee (FGC) chair person
• Faculty Post Graduate Program committee member
• PhD in communication Engineering curriculum development committee chairperson
• Organizing committee of 7th ICAST-20119
• Organizing committee of 6th ICAST-2018
• Organizing committee of 3rd ICAST-2015
• Infrastructure and facility organizing committee of 7th ICAST-2019
• Committee Member of electrical equipment quality assurance.
• Bahir Dar Institute of Technology(BiT) Promotion Committee
• Faculty Promotion committee Chair person
• BiT Graduate council committee
• BIT research and Publication committee member
• Faculty graduate committee (FGC) chair person
• Faculty Post Graduate Program committee member
• PhD in communication Engineering curriculum development committee chairperson
• Organizing committee of 7th ICAST-20119
• Organizing committee of 6th ICAST-2018
• Organizing committee of 3rd ICAST-2015
• Infrastructure and facility organizing committee of 7th ICAST-2019
• Committee Member of electrical equipment quality assurance.
Fikreselam Gared and Gizachew Worku."Performance Analysis of JointTransmit Antenna Selection and User Scheduling for Massive MIMO Systems"Cogent engineering, Accepted in 2021.
- Channamallikarjuna M., Fikreselam G.,and Lijaddis G. "Automatic Plant Leaf Disease Detection and Auto-Medicine", Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021.
- Fikreselam G. and Yoseph B. "Performance Analysis of Hybrid Beamforming Techniques in Large Multiuser MIMO Systems" In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, Springer , Accepted in 2021.
- Tesfahunegn M., Ayalew B., and Fikreselam G., "Design and Development of an Autonomous Smart Stick Framework for Assisting Visually Impaired People." In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, Springer , Accepted in 2021.
- Hagos T.,Tesfahunegn M.,Million M., and Fikreselam G., "OCR System for The Recognition of Ethiopic Real-Life Documents." In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, Springer , Accepted in 2021.
- Muluneh, Solomon, and Fikreselam Gared. "Performance comparison of inverted L and F-shape dual-band microstrip antenna." Journal of EEA, 38.1 (2020): 65-74.
- Fikreselam Gared and Girma Gebeyehu. "Impulsive Noise Mitigation Using Hybrid Nonlinear Preprocessor and Turbo Code in OFDMPLC system. "In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, Springer, 2020.
- Alemayehu, Bekele, and Fikreselam Gared. "Intercell interference modeling and analysis in long term evolution (LTE)." Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology,12.2 (2019): 107-123.
- Ali Mohammed, and Fikreselam Gared. "Energy optimization of the wireless sensor network using neuro-fuzzy algorithms." Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology, 12.2 (2019): 167-183.
- Birhanu, Hiwot, Yihenew Wondie, and Fikreselam Gared. "Spectrum Sensing Using Adaptive Threshold Based Energy Detection for LTE Systems."In International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, pp.473-491. Springer, 2018.
- M. A. Mulatu, L.-C. Chang, Y. S. Han, F. G. Mengistu, and D.-F. Tseng, Threshold-Based Cooperative Communication of Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags, Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.24, No. 4,2017.
- Fikreselam Gared, Mohammed Abdo, Performance Comparison of the Standard Transmitter Energy Detector and an Enhanced Energy Detector Techniques International Journal of Networks and Communications, 6(3): 39-48 DOI: 10.5923/j.ijnc.20160603.01, 2016,
- F. G. Mengistu, D.-F. Tseng, Y. S. Han, M. A. Mulatu, and L.-C. Chang, A Robust Decoding Scheme for Convolutionally Coded Transmission Through a Markov Gaussian Channel, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 4 pp. 4344-4356, November 2014.
- D.-F. Tseng, F. G. Mengistu, Y. S. Han, M. A. Mulatu, L.-C. Chang, and T.-R. Tsai, Robust Turbo Decoding in a Markov Gaussian Channel, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, pp. 633-636, December, 2014.
Honors Awards
• Distinguished Graduate of MSc. in Communication Engineering.
• Distinguished Graduate of B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering.
• Recognition of great accomplishment from Bahirdar University for the role in the curriculum development of PhD in Communication Engineering.
• Distinguished Graduate of B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering.
• Recognition of great accomplishment from Bahirdar University for the role in the curriculum development of PhD in Communication Engineering.