Institutional Memory!
Campus Name
04 Apr, 2030
Gash Bizu Gibramu is seen introducing the plan of 1998 E.C budget year to officials of the university while sitting left to the university's president, Dr.Tsehaye Jemberu and Business and Administration VP, Gash Zerihun Mekonnen.
Prof. Birhanu Abriha (RPO), Dr.Habtu Zegeye (APO), Abebe Wale (Dean, FBE), Dr. Marew Derso (Dean, Students Affairs), Dr.Haileyesus Workineh (Head of Registrar) are seen seating at the front row whereas Professor Abiy Yigzaw (Director, External Relations Affairs), Professor Mulugeta Kibret (Dean, Faculty of Education), Zinaye Tefera (Education Faculty, RPO), Tadesse Anteneh (Human Resource Administrator) took the middle seats along other