PhD dissertation public defense

Bahir Dar Energy Center Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Bahir Dar University conducted the third public PhD dissertation defense
Muluken Temesgen Tigabu, who was a PhD candidate in Sustainable Energy Engineering, has completed his Doctoral research in Sustainable Energy Engineering at Bahir Dar Energy Center, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology. He works on Analytical, computational, and experimental study of vertical axis Hydrokinetic turbines. He has published original articles in reputable journals and successfully defended his PhD Dissertation on October 31, 2022.
As evaluators, Professor Venkata Ramayya and Dr. Addisu Beleke posed a number of questions and comments, which later followed by public question. After much deliberation, the committee approved his dissertation with ‘Excellent’ grade. His advisory board included Professor David Wood, Chair of SDAC, Dr. Bimrew Tamrat, and Dr. Mesfin Belayneh, whom all are members of SDAC.
