The Hilton Foundation Africa Water Quality Testing Fellowship Program Dissemination Workshop hosted at Bahir Dar Institute of Technology-Bahir Dar University.

The Hilton Foundation Africa Water Quality Testing Fellowship Program Dissemination Workshop hosted at Bahir Dar Institute of Technology-Bahir Dar University.
[April 06, 2023 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT]
The workshop was organized by the Faculty of Civil and Water Resources Engineering in collaboration with the Aquaya Research Institute and the Hilton Foundation. Delegates from North Mecha, Dera and Farta Wereda, South Gondar and, West Gojjam Water and Energy Bureau, as well as Abay basin Development Office, Bureau of Health, IRC, and Bureau of Water and Energy, attended the workshop. The study took place in the woredas of Dera, Farta, and North Mecha.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Mitiku Damtie, Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Water Resources Engineering, stated as such fruitful collaborative work is the best way to address our community's major concerns regarding water supply and quality. He also strongly recommended each respective body to take their own role and work hard on it.
Following Mr. Eshetu Assefa delivered a presentation on follow-up/dry season water quality testing result. His presentation aimed on the developed a water quality testing fellowship program to train students (enhance the pipeline of trained water quality professionals and collected district -level water quality data at households, communities, schools and healthcare facilities.
Dr. Meseret Dessalegn of the Aquaya Research Institute also gave a presentation comparing baseline water quality testing results in the wet and dry seasons. According to her, the study focused on the quality of water services at homes, schools, and health facilities, as well as differences in water quality across districts, key population groups, and seasons.
Later on, Mr. Mesenbet Fentie and Mr. Mulugeta Muche presented chemical water quality results and water quality data management software, respectively.
Finally, the workshop concluded with a discussion on the studies with the participants.
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