Seminar on “Climate change impacts and appropriate management techniques for Ethiopia” by Prof. Hilary I. Inyang

There will be a seminar on Friday, December 27, 2019, at 2:00 pm (8:00 LT) on “Climate change impacts and appropriate management techniques for Ethiopia” by Prof. Hilary I. Inyang.
venue : BIT Hall 3

About the Speaker:

Prof. Hilary I. Inyang is a world-renowned researcher, expeditionist and educator in the areas of geoenvironmental science and engineering, geohazards, energy systems and international development.
He is a member of the Education Caucus of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and served for two terms (1997-2001) as Chair of the Science Advisory Board (Environmental Engineering
Committee) of USEPA in Washington DC, USA. He is a former President of the African University of Science and Technology, Abuja and former Vice Chancellor of the Botswana International University of
Science and Technology. He chaired the Steering Committee of the Africa Science Plans under the auspices of the International Council for Science, UNESCO and the United Nations Economic Commission
for Africa. He has won more than 20 professional prizes and is a former AAAS/USEPA Environmental Science and Engineering Fellow, US National Research Council Young Investigator and
Eisenhower/Randolph Fellow. He has authored about 268 publications and served on 29 journal editorial boards. He won the 2013 Nigerian National Order of Merit (NMOM) in science and technology and is a
Fellow of both the African Academy of Science and the Geological Society of London. He is also a Proost Poet.

Fri, 12/27/2019
BIT Hall 3